Friday, December 17, 2004

errant parabola and ezbake oven.


so here we are again i say and he replies
yeah. here we are once more and it
wasn't that bad was it? i ask. he shrugs

i suppose it wasn't. he smiles back at me
hair unkempt and I note little things about him:
shadows under his eyes the sag in his shoulders
or glee in his laugh lines cookie? i offer one and

accepting, he bites parabolas are crumbs
which remind me of words passed in class and then
left to wallow in binders this is a history which
i will not forget

Thursday, December 2, 2004


Gold fish and silken barricade
Two beds beneath the windowshade
Unmade the world falling down

Will we laugh open drier eyes
As teardrops fall from greyer skies
The handsome man about town

Silver captain slighted blundering
Worldplay left at port is lumbering

The letters come remarked post haste
The winsome will remain unchaste
Assured of wind in their sails

The words unkempt by scheduled walls
An opera ends - the curtain falls
What rusty tears which we bail

Silver liner sinking sundering
Leaving shorelined still and wandering

But not wondering
I'm just wandering.