Thursday, June 28, 2012

friends so ( so much so )

Friends so ( so much so ) friends
will jest with jealous intent whisper
I thought you dated so much so prettier.

Which is just so and so horrible and augurs
even though I know it's just jealousy, it's just
jealousy will settle down between you only
and me only and there we stay.

Well what should I now; my best intents
would just become the indents in you
the places and friends and your sad, sad smile.

Monday, June 25, 2012

I could

You know, I could let this all go.
Let all this go,
this you and me.

But every time I am frustrated, or feel like leaving, I remember:
everyone has ups
some people have seasons of one or the either.

So I wear warm clothing and
wait for a season
like it used to be.

Friday, June 15, 2012

this also

Hush quiet but this strikes me strangely.

For a first chance only prose and then you
are never poetry ( at least not everyday
idle for a matter left ready so to move

on ) I feel a flight coming; I am too light hearted
for two standing our ground; well I am expectant

but too much too soon much too expectant?

I have forgot how hearts become heavier things.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

anyone who better might

A night with an anyone who
better might this morning
smile more and swiftly

covers draped across shoulders
and soft across the floor

pants and all things set back
in the ways what I left
when I opened for anyone

what's lost is each moment
when kisses still and closer
kiss an everywhere of an anyone

anyone who better might this

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

where we begin

There once was a girl from Vantucky
Whom people found pleasant and plucky
For example this dude
Has admired her mood
And her bent, both so happy-go-lucky

This dude ( who is not very dudelike
Having given it up for subduedlike )
Is asking her climbing
And after that wineing
If that is an evening that you'd like

We're certain to have a good time there
Although I'm not yet much a climber
I may scramble and gaffe
Give you reason to laugh
Over half a carafe in a diner